
Nutmeg is owned by Lost Springs Farm and I was very lucky to ride such a fun horse.  An Appendix Quarter Horse Mare, Nutmeg has a laid back, can do attitude.  She was started late in life (7) and apart from being a constant klutz, she progressed right along.  She competed in her first Combined Test in 2010 and made her debut at Novice in 2011.  By the end of 2012, we moved her up to Training and she tackled the course like she was bred to run cross-country.

In 2013, we had a delayed start as we worked through some anatomical issues with our team of vets and our farrier.  Once we got the kinks in her pelvis and feet worked about, she went back to work, competing at Novice at Catalpa Corner, and Training at the Kentucky Classique and Heritage Park.

We kicked off 2014 with some excellent dressage lessons and a fabulous cross country schooling.  Then we started having respiratory issues.  They came and went throughout the spring, summer and fall, preventing us from competing much.  In the fall we visited the Teaching Hospital at MU for further diagnostic work.  Nutmeg has developed Inflammatory Airway Disease.  We could medicate, but we would not be able to compete with the medication.  So we have made the very tough decision to retire her and try for a foal or two.  Nutmeg settled beautifully and apart from not caring much for the change in her figure, seems to be handling motherhood well.  She is due April 1st!