Wow, so it’s been a very long time since I’ve taken the time to put thoughts on paper. Some might say it’s been quite a while since I’ve taken the time to think period, but that’s not entirely true.
Spring is always a difficult time of the year. Don’t get me wrong, I love Spring. It battles Fall and Summer and Winter for the top spot in my heart. I just can’t choose. Spring is the time of year when everything spins into high gear. We come out of hibernation at home. My paying work-load shifts into over-drive, and of course, the horse show season begins in earnest. Couple all that with an intense desire to stop and smell the roses, tulips, pansies and grape hyacinths and you have the perfect recipe for a wee-bit-o-stress.
In the past, stress has been my fuel. It’s what keeps me driving forward, but lately I’ve been noticing some of the negative affects stress has on my life. I’m fairly guarded in what I say ninety-eight percent of the time. It goes with the job description, but when I get overly stressed my built-in sensor starts to mal-function and stuff I’d usually keep to myself just spills out. Thankfully it has yet to cause any nuclear wars or lawsuits, but I have experienced a few awkward moments over the last month or so.
My mind has increasingly been on the coming show season calendar. Back in January I outlined the events I was hoping to attend. Now is the time when I figure out which events I can actually afford to enter. It’s this concern that has led to the most slip-ups. I have a real problem with asking for money without providing something of true value in return. My association with PR and advertising has only increased the aversion. I know what is valuable to companies. I could do a lot for them, but its individuals that are within my reach and I just can’t pull on those purse strings. Darn my verbal fumbling because the subject keeps coming up and not in the planned professional proposal manner I would choose if I was willing to bring it up at all.
I ran across this message today and it really stuck. “The moment you lift your head above the crowd you’ll attract attention, and not always the kind you want. Learn from the duck. He stays calm on the surface, keeps paddling underneath, and lets the water runoff his back.”
So, by mistake or fate, I’ve stuck my head-up. Now it’s time to keep cool. I’ve got my game face out. I’m still working very hard getting everything in place for the season. Nutmeg and I have been having some very promising rides, so I’m optimistic. I know life isn’t all sunshine and ribbons. Life with horses definitely has as many downs as it does ups, but we feel ready. Thanks to Mr. Duck for the Fresh Perspective. It’s time to stay calm on the surface, paddle hard underneath and let the water runoff my back. If we survive April, it’s Longview Horse Trials, next stop.
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