Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I'd Rather be Riding...

It’s been a tough couple of weeks.  I’ve watched friends attend an family reunion annual clinic and venture off to horse shows and events in Chicago and St. Louis.   Social Media is amazing that way.  It’s like you’re enjoying the event with them, but you’re a state or more away.  As handy as it is, I’d rather be there riding.

I’m getting plenty of time in the barn at least.  This was going to be the year that we quit building the barn/house and started enjoying the fruits of our labors.  Seems it’s not to be.  When we returned from vacation, Nutmeg’s super sensitive white leg was having a bad flair-up of scratches.  It was swollen and hot.  Not good.  So I’ve been treating them, every day, twice a day, for at least 30 minutes.  I can’t complain about not spending enough time in the barn, but that time squatting with a hose just isn’t what I had in mind.  I’d rather be riding.

All is not lost, although I’ve probably been treating the wrong thing for weeks.  Seems the scratches were a problem, just not the problem causing the swelling.  She has probably strained that fetlock joint slightly.  Oh bother.  So I have a new plan of attack.  More rest and more icing and cold hosing.  Plus, I’ve ordered a fun new addition to our eventing gear, a self-cooling, self-adhesive wrap.  Hope it works.  I did always want a real (breaks constantly and costs lots of money) event horse…Really I did, but I’d rather be riding her.
That leaves me with Admiral to ride while Nutmeg ices and time (ha!  What’s that?) to break the pony to drive.  Admiral is headed to the Remember to Dream Therapeutic Riding Center’s dressage schooling show fundraiser later this month after a dressage clinic this weekend.  I’m sure he’s thrilled.  He loves all the petting and attention at the shows, just not the actual working part.  As for me, yeah, I’d rather be riding.

I really am going to work on breaking the pony to drive this summer, next summer, sometime in the next five years.  He’s getting fat.  He needs a job.  Oh, and he’s becoming an opinionated little cuss.  Time to teach him that he too must occasionally earn his keep.  Plus, driving is fun and we have tons of gravel roads to explore.  Oh but I’d rather be riding.
You probably got the point four paragraphs ago.  I am once again wallowing in self-pity while my three gorgeous horses look at me with imploring eyes.  So why don’t I get around to it already?  It’s too easy to play the blame game I guess.  I don’t have time.  Work has me working, imagine that!  My horse isn’t sound.  We’re between shows…. You get the idea.  They are all horrible excuses and constantly blaming things that are seemingly outside of my control isn’t helping me get back in the saddle. 

I’m fighting an unpleasant mental battle this spring.  Do I want it badly enough to put my petty blame game aside?  Is riding what I really want or am I happy with time away from work, time spent in the barn?  Do I want to ride badly enough that I’ll ride whatever, not just the superb animals I’ve grown accustom to?  If not, do I really deserve to be riding at all?  It’s not a fun game.  It’s not a good game.  I’m searching for a Fresh Perspective, but instead of finding it, I’m typing this monologue when I’d reall rather be riding.
I'd rather be riding her!

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